ESG - Environmental, Social, Governance

The overarching element in applying the principles of Sustainability is the Zero Waste Policy – the 6Rs (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover).
For years, we have focused on recycling – applied in several ways: we reprocess other products, we use our production waste.
We are committed to the efficient use of natural resources, applying the principles of a circular economy.
We actively use modern technologies that reduce harmful emissions and minimise energy consumption. We invest in renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint and promote green solutions. We educate our employees and business partners on environmental issues, believing that working together contributes to protecting our planet for future generations.

Our Company actively pursues a social policy towards its employees and undertakes numerous activities for the benefit of the surroundings, the environment and the region. For the comfort of our employees, we have launched a canteen that provides all employees with tasty and properly balanced meals. We regularly organise team-building events and excursions to strengthen team bonds and foster better cooperation. We offer attractive financial bonuses, supporting our employees in home investments and rewarding outstanding employees. We have also created and support employees’ sporting activities – we organise bicycle rallies, skiing trips, basketball and football trainings/games of company teams. A choir and a dance group, created by the Company’s employees, have been thriving for years – an attractive point at all Company events. We are very actively involved in various forms of support for the local community, supporting local football teams in many age categories, a cheerleading group, and a chess section. With the strong involvement of local schools, a youth football league has been organised for several years.

Geyer & Hosaja has been on the market for 35 years, continuously remaining in the hands of the same owners as a private enterprise. From the beginning, we have focused on financial stability and continuous growth, which allows us to build lasting relationships with customers and business partners. Thanks to our product diversification, we provide products for many sectors of the economy, with rubber being the common denominator of our production. Our commitment to business ethics is evidenced by the introduction of a code of ethics and other policies, including anti-corruption. We are committed to data protection, as evidenced by our TISAX certification, ensuring the highest standards of information security. For the sake of the environment and social responsibility, we have implemented a policy of responsible sourcing of raw materials. Our long-standing experience and unchanging ownership structure allow us to maintain the high quality of our products and services. We strive to maintain the highest standards in every aspect of our business, combining tradition with modern solutions. We are proud of our contribution to various industries, providing products of the highest quality. Our mission is not only to manufacture, but also to create value through responsible and ethical business conduct.
Organisational CF
Carbon footprint analysis for our company

Extension of CF with additional environmental aspects for LCA analysis

Geyer & Hosaja has an ISO 9001:2015 – 14001:2015 integrated quality and environmental management system in place.
We operate under a number of permits regulating the scope of environmental impact, these include:
– permits for the generation, collection and treatment of waste,
– a permit to introduce gases and dust into the air,
– water permit.
The Company’s environmental policy is designed to minimize the extent of environmental impact in connection with its operations. To effectively achieve this goal, we have defined environmental aspects, which we monitor on an ongoing basis. This allows us to respond quickly and effectively to potential situations that may have a negative impact on the environment.
The waste processing technologies we have, facilitate our efforts to conduct closed-loop waste management.